Monday, 25 February 2002

25th February, 2002.

Pop quiz time again:

Childbirth is:
a) a miracle of nature;
b) just a part of life;
c) something best not experienced first-hand;
d) an appropriate subject for a blow-by-blow retelling (complete with sound effects and graphic descriptions) over a morning tea with some suppliers.

Drama time: a soliloquy in which the Cow-orker begins to reveal the mysteries and conspiracies surrounding the plants in her garden, and the treachery and backroom politicking of those neighbours who would see her grandiose plans for the future of her weed-enshrouded fence-line (to leave it as it is) come to naught.

The soliloquy is a deeply moving one. At least that's one way of explaining the tears and wails of anguish from the audience.

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